Artigos Médicos
Spinal Dysraphism: A Neurosurgical Review for the Urologist
Spinal neural tube defects are congenital malformations of the spine and spinal cord (eg, myelomeningocele) and are frequently seen in pediatric urology practice. These neurologic problems have many consequences in a child’s life and affect different parts of the body, such as the brain, spinal cord, limbs, bladder, and bowels. Because of the complexity and neurologic aspects of spinal dysraphism, many terms related to and aspects of the disease are unfamiliar to the urologist. This review addresses some of the most commonly used neurosurgical terms and concepts related to spinal dysraphism.
Keywords: Spina bifida, Spinal dysraphism, Myelomeningocele.
*Não disponível em português.
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